全国零卖/招代理/欢迎美容院加入代理LATOJA Authorized(线上线下招代理)

全国零卖/招代理 LATOJA@VIKAR MALAYSIA retail/recruit agents LATOJA / Vikar MALAYSIA & International AGENT.. Just minimum choose 2 Item of 5 items are required to purchase for the first time if you're interested to be our agent. Price are shown as above. The higher level you're, the cheaper price will be got as long as you upgraded your level. The price will be definitely way lower than prices above. For inquiry: WECHAT: smamfw136 【KS Beauty & Slimming Ipoh】 LATOJA MALAYSIA & The International retail/recruit agents 2 EASY STEP to be LATOJA authorised agent ! ..涵曦門檻減半兩盒加入代理价格 B e a " TERMINAL AGENT ". Total amount of 2 item product you choose + Authorise Agent fees + Shipping fee . Payment by PAYPAL , CASH OR BANK IN You have retail business (example :beauty Salon,hair salon , nail salon , boutiques , Pharmacy business ) , we happy to invite you to join us to be our p...