VIKAR女性私处护理套装(内含三款产品)【chinese,english Version】

wechat id : smamfw136
VIKAR is a set of women private care.....

√ Help clean up private parts
√ To solve the problem of women when they facing vaginal inflammation
√ improve sexual 

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Only ..sets entitle to become VIKAR member... 

..Welcome pm me for more information
Wechat id : smamfw136

【KS Beauty & Slimming Ipoh】


A. 使用时撕开包装,取出载有抗菌凝胶的推注器,将推注器前端的前盖取下;
B. 采取仰卧位,膝盖弯曲,尽量打开双腿,将推注器缓慢插入阴道深处;
C. 推动助推杆,将抗菌凝胶推入阴道深处,抽出推注器,弃之。
1. 对金属银过敏者禁用。
2. 孕妇和哺乳期禁用。
3. 如有少量流出物,建议与卫生护垫合用。
4. 月经期内请勿使用,月经后3天开始用为时间。
5. 使用过程中不建议吃辛辣刺激食物。
6. 如果在使用过程中有少量浅黄灰色或浅棕色糊状流出物属正常现象。
7. 取掉保护帽,发现凝胶管口周围有深色物质属正常现象。

A. 使用时撕开包装,取出载有抗菌凝胶的推注器,将推注器前端的前盖取下;
B. 采取仰卧位,膝盖弯曲,尽量打开双腿,将推注器缓慢插入阴道深处;
C. 推动助推杆,将抗菌凝胶推入阴道深处,抽出推注器,弃之。
1. 孕妇和哺乳期禁用。
2. 如有少量流出物,建议与卫生护垫合用。
3. 月经期内请勿使用,月经后3天开始用为时间。
4. 使用过程中不建议吃辛辣刺激食物。
5. 如果在使用过程中有少量浅黄灰色或浅棕色糊状流出物属正常现象。
6. 取掉保护帽,发现凝胶管口周围有深色物质属正常现象。


Proper use of private care time
1-经期后三天    Three days after menstruation
2-人流后45    45 days after flow
3-顺产后(母乳)3个月不母乳的45postpartum (breast milk) 3 months, After 45daysbreastMilk
4-剖腹后半年    laparotomy after six months
5-哺乳期三个月以后   breastfeeding three months later
6-摘环一个月后   pick ring a month later
7-上环一个月之后第一次月经后可以用   contraception after one month after the first menstruation can be used
8-药流一个月过后! drug flow after a month!
9-同房后一小时可以用! One  hour after making love can be used!
产品基本信息Basic Product Information
产品名称Product NameVIKAR  女性私处护理套装  VIKAR women's private care package
【规格规格Specification 1-  生态银女性抗菌凝胶10 , 3g/  Ecological silver female antibacterial gel 10, 3g / support   
  2-水润平衡护理凝胶 4 , 3g/  Hydra balance care gel 4, 3g / support
  3-果粉护理清洗液  1 , 50ML  每天1 Fruit powder care cleaning fluid 1 bottle, 50ML once a day
【规格用量Specifications dosage】凝胶 3g/  洗液50ML  每天1   gel 3g / support lotion 50ML once a day、、【生产地区Production area中国 China

2盒一保养期,4盒一个治疗期2 boxes of a maintenance period, 4 boxes of a treatment period
使用方法how to use每天晚上睡觉前every night before sleep                                                                                  
1-使用抗菌凝胶一支,连续使用5 use an antibacterial gel, continuous use for 5 days,        4-然后2天平衡凝胶then  Hydra balance care
2-然后2天平衡凝胶 then  Hydra balance care 2 days  5-护理洗液每天外部喷一次无需清洗Fruit powder care cleaning fluid use evryday
3-再使用抗菌凝胶5use again  an antibacterial gel, continuous use for 5 days

【产品名称  生态银女性抗菌凝胶
【规格用量】3g/ 每天1                            【产品功效】抑菌杀菌、消炎止痒、祛除异味、改善白带异常。                          【主要成分】生态银
A. 使用时撕开包装,取出载有抗菌凝胶的推注器,将推注器前端的前盖取下;
B. 采取仰卧位,膝盖弯曲,尽量打开双腿,将推注器缓慢插入阴道深处;
C. 推动助推杆,将抗菌凝胶推入阴道深处,抽出推注器,弃之。
1. 对金属银过敏者禁用。   2. 孕妇和哺乳期禁用。   3. 如有少量流出物,建议与卫生护垫合用。  4. 月经期内请勿使用,月经后3天开始用为最佳时间。
5. 使用过程中不建议吃辛辣刺激食物。   6. 如果在使用过程中有少量浅黄灰色或浅棕色糊状流出物属正常现象。
7. 取掉保护帽,发现凝胶管口周围有深色物质属正常现象。
【产品名称  水润平衡凝胶      【规格用量】3g/ 每天1      【产品功效】抗菌、水润、杀菌
A. 使用时撕开包装,取出载有抗菌凝胶的推注器,将推注器前端的前盖取下;
B. 采取仰卧位,膝盖弯曲,尽量打开双腿,将推注器缓慢插入阴道深处;
C. 推动助推杆,将抗菌凝胶推入阴道深处,抽出推注器,弃之。
1. 孕妇和哺乳期禁用。      2. 如有少量流出物,建议与卫生护垫合用。   3. 月经期内请勿使用,月经后3天开始用为最佳时间。
4. 使用过程中不建议吃辛辣刺激食物。   5. 如果在使用过程中有少量浅黄灰色或浅棕色糊状流出物属正常现象。
6. 取掉保护帽,发现凝胶管口周围有深色物质属正常现象。
 【产品名称】  果粉护理清洗液          【规格用量】50ML  每天1      【产品功效】补水、抗菌              【主要成分】生态银
1)超强抗菌性能,杀菌率99.9%                                                                                               5)喷雾剂型,使用方便卫生    
2)抗菌谱广,有效杀灭细菌、真菌、支原体等650多种病原体微生物                       6)携带方便。可用于出差旅行、游泳后使用           
3)非抗生素杀菌剂,无耐药性                                                                                                   7)粉嫩,提亮
4)不影响乳酸杆菌生长,维护阴道菌群平衡                                                                         8)消炎抑制瘙痒
Product Name eco silver female antibacterial gel
Specification 3g / 1 time per day
 Product Efficacy bacteriostatic sterilization, anti-inflammatory anti-itch, remove the odor, improve vaginal discharge abnormalities. [Main component] ecological silver
1) Super antibacterial properties, sterilization rate of 99.9%
2) broad antibacterial spectrum, effectively kill bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma and other 650 kinds of pathogenic microorganisms
3) non-antibiotic fungicide, no drug resistance
4) does not affect the growth of lactic acid bacteria, maintaining vaginal flora balance
5) to saprophytic muscle, and promote self-purification of the vagina
6) soft moisturizing gel, to the vagina jelly-like moisture
7) one-time use of injection device, convenient health
8) According to the female vagina length design of the injector, the gel directly to the affected area
A. Tear off the packaging when used, remove the injection device containing antibacterial gel, the front end of the injector to remove the front cover;
B. Take the supine position, knees bent, try to open the legs, the injector slowly inserted deep into the vagina;
C. push the booster rod, the antibacterial gel into the vagina deep, out of the injector, abandoned it.

1. Allergy to metal silver disabled. 2. Pregnant women and lactation disabled. 3. If a small amount of effluent, it is recommended with the health pad combination. 4. Menstrual period do not use, 3 days after menstruation began to use as the best time.
5. Use of the process is not recommended to eat spicy food stimulation. 6. It is normal if a small amount of light-yellow or light brown paste-like effluent is present during use.
7. Remove the protective cap and found that there is a dark material around the mouth of the gel is a normal phenomenon.
Product Name hydrogel balance gel Specification 3g / 1 time per day Product efficacy Antibacterial, moist, sterilization
Main ingredients lactic acid bacteria, active lactic acid bacteria, collagen peptide
0.10% ~ 0.20% (w / w), active lactic acid bacteria, fructooligosaccharides, kudzu isoflavones, vitamin B2, niacinamide, squalene, growth factor rhEGF and so on.
1) has a mild inhibitory effect. Lactobacillus lactic acid bacteria is produced by a polypeptide or protein activity. Effective antibacterial, does not produce drug resistance and toxicity.
2) supplement vaginal probiotics: lactobacilli, balance vaginal microenvironment
3) to enhance local immunity, inhibit the growth and reproduction of other pathogens
4) to promote self-purification of the vagina to restore vaginal health environment
Safe, mild, without any side effects.
5) can be used for daily care after the treatment of inflammation care use

A. Tear off the packaging when used, remove the injection device containing antibacterial gel, the front end of the injector to remove the front cover;
B. Take the supine position, knees bent, try to open the legs, the injector slowly inserted deep into the vagina;
C. push the booster rod, the antibacterial gel into the vagina deep, out of the injector, abandoned it.
1. Pregnant women and lactation disabled. 2. If a small amount of effluent, it is recommended with the health pad combination. 3. Do not use during the menstrual period, 3 days after menstruation began to use as the best time.
4. The use of the process is not recommended to eat spicy food stimulation. 5. It is normal if a small amount of light yellowish-gray or light brown paste-like effluent is present during use.
6. Remove the protective cap and found that the dark material around the mouth of the gel is a normal phenomenon.
 Product Name fruit powder care cleaning fluid Specification 50ML dosage per day 1 Product efficacy Water, antibacterial Main ingredients Ecological silver
Ecological silver, the content of 160 ~ 240μg / g (W / W), vitamin C, glutathione, sodium hyaluronate (hyaluronic acid) and so on.
1) super antibacterial properties, sterilization rate of 99.9% 5) spray formulations, easy to use health
2) broad antibacterial spectrum, effectively kill bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma and other 650 kinds of microorganisms of pathogens 6) easy to carry. Can be used for travel, swimming use
3) non-antibiotic fungicide, no drug resistance 7) pink, bright
4) does not affect the growth of lactic acid bacteria, maintaining vaginal flora balance 8) anti-inflammatory anti-itching
Usage vulvar cleaning and daily hygiene care: the cleaning, care parts of direct spray irrigation. This product-free cleaning.
Allergy to metal silver disabled. Pregnant women with caution. External lotion, do not take orally.
special reminder
1) When the foreign body is ejected, it proves that the product has taken effect
2) the discharge of foreign body and disease does not correspond to, but can learn from gynecological disease self-test table corresponding to the symptoms
3) Use of other brands of private protection recommendations suspended for 3 days before use.
4) common gynecological diseases can be improved with the product
5) If the menstrual come soon menstruation to the end of the first use, because the best effect with continuous
6) can be used after the same room, without deliberately avoiding the same room
7) If you feel after using a vaginal foreign body can be discharged without rinsing, but does not suggest that every day flushing will destroy the private flora balance, can be 2,3 days rinse

8) the use of secondary dysmenorrhea trial gel will be greatly improved, because this is caused by gynecological diseases


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